Best Lash Glue for Sensitive Eyes

Best Lash Glue for Sensitive Eyes

As a lash technician, you probably got into the field because of your artistic flair and passion for working with others, personalising each client's lash extensions in a way that would best suit their unique style and specifications. However, when working with an individual who has sensitive eyes, it can be especially difficult to give them a great experience without compromising their safety and comfort. 

One crucial aspect in achieving this delicate balance is by choosing the right lash adhesive for sensitive eyes. In this guide, we will explore some of the best lash adhesives, outlining how you can pick the perfect one for clients who have sensitive eyes.


What are sensitive eyes?

The term "sensitive eyes" refers to eyes that are more prone to irritation, discomfort, and allergic reactions. People with sensitive eyes can experience certain symptoms such as:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Excessive tearing up

It is important to note that eye sensitivity will look different for every client. For example, if you are introduced to an individual who struggles to deal with anything even remotely close to their eyes without experiencing discomfort, it is likely they suffer from severe sensitivity. In this case, eyelash extensions are probably not the best choice for them. However, if a client only experiences mild sensitivity, it should be fine to go ahead with their treatment — as long as proper precautions are taken to ensure their comfort.


Can lash adhesive be a trigger for sensitive eyes?

Eyelash adhesive is a crucial component of lash extensions which is key to the application process. While a vast majority of lash adhesives on the market are formulated to be safe for use around the eyes, some individuals can still experience sensitivity due to specific triggers. 

Some of the reasons individuals experience sensitivity to eyelash glue all comes down to certain factors including allergies, sensitivity to fumes, and improper application. 


In some cases, individuals can suffer from allergies to specific ingredients commonly found in lash adhesives. Some of these include:

  • Cyanoacrylate
  • Formaldehyde
  • Carbon-black
  • Latex

Allergic reactions can range from mild to more severe symptoms. If your client is allergic to anything listed above, you should opt for an alternative that is free from these ingredients.

If this is not an option, you should have an open and honest conversation with your client about their history of allergic reactions. Remember, the safety of your clientele is the most important thing, and you should never perform a treatment if it is going to jeopardise their health and safety. 

Sensitivity to fumes

For clients suffering from sensitivity, fumes can irritate the eyes and cause discomfort, not to mention negatively impact their treatment experience as a whole. If you are dealing with sensitive clients, you should opt for a glue with low fumes to avoid triggering a reaction. At BELO Lash, all our adhesives are specially formulated to protect the eyes from irritation, so you can use our lash glue on fume-sensitive clients with peace of mind.

Improper application

Poor application techniques, such as using too much adhesive or applying lashes too close to the lash line, can lead to adhesive contact with the immediate eye area. As a result, this can cause irritation and discomfort for the client.


Tips for treating clients with sensitive eyes

As your profession involves regularly working around the eyes, one of the most delicate features on the face, it is essential that you exercise caution when applying eyelash extensions. Here are some tips to help give your clients with sensitive eyes the best treatment experience possible.


Tip 1: Check your label!

Prior to treatment, ensure that you are well-stocked with quality materials that keep both you and your clientele safe. Taking a closer look at the ingredients in your eyelash adhesive can be invaluable, as it gives you a better insight into some of the additives that could trigger an adverse reaction. Always buy your glue from trusted and reputable sellers, preferably sellers who are lash technicians themselves and understand the importance of using non-irritating and safe ingredients.


Tip 2: Talk to your clients

If you are unsure whether your client is suffering from a pre-existing eye condition, allergy, or sensitivity, safety should always come first. Prioritise a consultation prior to treatment, as this will give you all the information you need to provide them with a safe, relaxing application. 

Some questions you could ask might include:

  • Have you experienced any reactions to eyelash extensions in the past?
  • Have you ever had an allergic reaction or sensitivity to cosmetic products or adhesives?
  • Are you prone to dryness, sensitivity, or irritation around the eyes?

Remember, speaking with your client before applying eyelash extensions will ensure that you go in with all the knowledge you need, as well as the peace of mind to give them the best treatment possible! 


Tip 3: Do a patch test

Before you apply the eyelash extensions, it is important to carry out a patch test to make sure your client is ready to go ahead with their treatment. 

Carry out your patch test on a small area of the skin, either behind the ear or on the inner arm, to check for allergic reactions to eyelash glue or other products. You should then wait for at least 24 hours to check for any adverse reactions to the glue. 


Tip 4: Cleanse the lashes first

Before applying the lash extensions, make sure your client's natural lashes are free and clear of any excess oils or residue. You can do this by going in with a gentle lash cleanser or shampoo, massaging it into the lashes, and rinsing with lukewarm water. Using a lash cleanser as part of your pre-treatment routine will help the glue to bond better and also reduces the likelihood of irritation around the lashes and eyes.


Tip 5: Apply each eyelash extension with care

Each eyelash on the lid is fragile, especially for clients who have sensitive eyes. For this reason, you should handle eyelashes with care and avoid excessive pulling and tugging. Also, be sure to apply each lash extension no less than 1mm away from the eyelid to avoid getting too close to the eye. This distance will prevent unnecessary irritation and sensitivity. 


Tip 6: Use materials that are specifically formulated for clients with sensitive eyes.

This tip might seem fairly straightforward, but it's crucial. If you attempt to apply lash extensions to a client with harsh, low-quality products, this could cause them to suffer from discomfort and pain during their treatment. You should always use high quality products from a trusted manufacturer to ensure that your clients get the best and safest treatment experience.


Selecting the best adhesive for clients with sensitive eyes

When choosing the right eyelash glue for clients with sensitive eyes, always opt for hypoallergenic adhesives, primers, and extensions that do not irritate the skin. Look for products specifically formulated for sensitive eyes or those specifically labelled as gentle or sensitive. Additionally, if any of your clients are prone to allergies, you should make sure your eyelash glue is free from those components to prevent a reaction. 

Here at BELO Lash, we take care to ensure all our products are high quality, safe, and non-irritating. That’s why we’ve taken special care with each of our best-selling adhesives, including the Bulletproof Bond Adhesive, the Bulletproof Max Adhesive, and our Bestie Bond Adhesive. All rigorously tested and latex-free, our professional-level lash glues are perfect for giving your clients the outstanding treatment they deserve. So what are you waiting for? Order yours today!

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